Classes:Intro To 3D

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The "Intro to 3D" Class has been split into two parts, "Introduction to 3D Printing" and "Introduction to Designing for 3D Printers".

Introduction to 3D Printing


"Learn the basics of 3D printing from our instructor. This class will discuss the different types of 3D printing that are commonly available to makers, and look at the pros and cons of the different materials they print. Then you will walk through the process of taking an existing 3D design, preparing it for the printer by slicing, and printing it on one of our printers."


  • Student will be able to describe the most common types of 3D Printing.
  • Student will understand the limitations of FDM printing, and how do deal with them.
  • Student will operate Slicing software to send a simple print to the printer.
