Online Videos You May Find Helpful

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Barudan BENT Control Panel Operations Video - Full Video - This video is for more modern machine, but the basics are the same for our older model.

Barudan BENT-ZQ-201U parting out 10.10.21 embroidery machine - Shows how the machine operates behind the covers; good footage of the file load process at 2:12.

How to Tie a Weaver's Knot - For attaching a new cone to the previous thread.

Patty Anne's Place Playlist - Patty Anne's Place Embrilliance Instructional Videos on YouTube

AllStitch What Embroidery Thread Should I Use? - Overview of thread types and their strengths/weaknesses

When to Use Different Types of Embroidery Thread - Deer's Embroidery Legacy

Have you found a particularly helpful video online? Notify the PoC to have it added here.