Select and Load the Colors For Your Project

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Revision as of 14:05, 1 March 2023 by Carol M Franklin (talk | contribs) (Choose the colors you wish to use for your project.)
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Choose the colors you wish to use for your project.

Whether you design the image yourself or purchase a file to embroider, you'll need to choose the colors you wish to use. If you have used Embrilliance to create your file, then the list of colors can be found in the box on the lower right of your screen.

Color List within Embrilliance

This window allows you to see the order in which the design will be stitched, not necessarily the exact color.

For example, if you wanted the star to be blue instead of red, you would assign the needle position that carries the color blue to the second needle stop when you teach the Barudan the order of needles to use when executing the stitch file. The colors in the onscreen representation of the image have no effect on how your image will be stitched - everything depends on what needles you choose during the Teach process when loading the file into memory.