Sawstop 10 inch Professional Cabinet Saw
Location: Wood Zone
Point Of Contact @joe.gravelle on Slack
General Policies for the SawStop PCS
If you do not know how to use a table saw please request training, especially with this saw and its special technology. Before using the SawStop you will need to be cleared on its setup and use by Joe
No cutting of conductive materials such as aluminum, wet wood, pressure treated, or otherwise known conductive materials. Cutting these types of materials will trigger the blade brake and destroy the blade.
If you trip the brake on the saw, accidental( flesh to blade contact or the material tripping the brake), please alert Joe Gravelle. You are also responsible for replacing at least the blade if the brake was proven to be tripped by flesh contact, a $50 blade is cheaper than losing a hand. SawStop will replace the brake free of charge if its sent to them after an incident and they find it was tripped by flesh contact.
Equipment Features
- Flesh Detecting Technology - [1]
Regular maintenance of the saw is required and will be carried out by the area contact. But after every use please clean any sawdust from the saw, lower the blade, place any tools back to their homes, and turn the saw off.